The Proven Entrepreneur

TPE 7 | Magic Of Enthusiasm


Enthusiasm is the topic in today’s episode. What are enthusiasm and the magic power of this word?

The word Enthusiasm comes from two Greek root words “en” and “theos”. The translation for “en theos” is God within. The words do not mean light the hair on fire and special like the Southern Evangelical Minister shouting fire and brimstone. The real meaning of these two words is that one should be acting and conducting with passion for the project the person is involved in. Meaning, to be enthusiastic, is to be as passionate as you can be. Not as passionate as the people on the television that lit their hair on fire, and is yelling, screaming, and jumping around, that necessarily is not enthusiasm, maybe bravado, but enthusiasm is vulnerable, authentic passion for the business or niche the entrepreneur has been doing. For example, when one is enthusiastic enough for their chosen niche, in fashion, for example, one will make a thorough research on the latest fashion trends, fashion style, men’s and women’s fashion trend for this year, and how to incorporate this to the business and how to deliver it to the customers.

For information on how to work with Don visit Work With Don Williams

You can also reach out to Don Williams at

Please join Don and his businesses in support of St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital in its Mission to cure Childhood Cancers. You can donate to St. Jude at

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The Magic Of Enthusiasm For Your Business

I want to talk about enthusiasm, the magic power of that word. Enthusiasm comes to us from two Greek root words, en and theos. The translation for en theos is God within. That does not mean light your hair on fire and speak like you are a Southern Evangelical Minister shouting, “Fire and brimstone.” What it does mean is that you should be acting and conducting yourself with passion for the project that you are involved in. To be enthusiastic is to be as passionate as you can be, not as passionate as the person you see on television who has lit their hair on fire, yelling, screaming, and jumping around.


When you're sold to something, it's much easier to convey your enthusiasm and passion to other people. Click To Tweet


That is not necessarily enthusiasm, maybe bravado but enthusiasm is vulnerable, authentic passion for what you are doing. I would also like to draw your attention to the last four letters of the word. IASM is an acronym for I Am Sold Myself. We know that when we are sold, it is much easier for us to convey that enthusiasm and passion to other people. Sometimes I talk with clients and they are like, “I am just not really sold myself.”


TPE 7 | Magic Of Enthusiasm
Magic Of Enthusiasm: Find a product or service that you can legitimately be sold yourself. If you can find something you are truly passionate about, that passion will rub off others.


My answer to them is always the same, “Please go find some product or service.” Ultimately, an experience. What we all sell are the experiences that people enjoy because of a product or service. “Please go find a product or service that you can, what generally be sold yourself.” It can make your life so much easier if you can find a product or service that you are passionate about, and then that passion will rub off on others. Enthusiasm, en and theos, God within, use your passion, and I Am Sold Myself. Put the magic and believable power of enthusiasm to work for you and your business. This has been another episode of The Proven Entrepreneur.

For information on how to work with Don visit Work With Don Williams

You can also reach out to Don Williams at

Please join Don and his businesses in support of St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital in its Mission to cure Childhood Cancers. You can donate to St. Jude at

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