When you expect positive things to happen, they do! When you think about negative things, they happen. What is the Reticular Activating System, and how does it affect the law of attraction?
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The Reticular Activator & The Law Of Attraction
Let’s talk about expectation. The expectation is an interesting concept. When you expect positive things to happen or occur in your life, they generally do. When you expect negative things to happen or occur in your life, they generally do as well. In your brain, there is a part of your brain called the reticular activator. That reticular activator, when you think about something, it keeps bringing that to the forefront of your mind and keeps working on that in your subconscious. Here is a good story on how the reticular activator works. Several years ago, when my youngest son was in high school, he looked for a particular car. He was looking for a Volkswagen GTI. When he mentioned that to me, I didn’t even know what that car was.
Envision where you want to go and what you want to accomplish and put your brain to work for you. Click To TweetI told him that, and he showed me one of those cars. For the next month, everywhere I went, whether I was on a city street or the highway, I noticed all of these Volkswagen GTIs. That is how your reticular activator works. When you think about something, buying that company, hitting that next sales goal, that retention goal with current clients or that culture goal, your brain begins to keep that front of mind and, more importantly, begins to work on achieving that subconsciously. We know that 10% of our brain activity is conscious, and the vast majority, 90% or 93%, is subconscious. It happens without you consciously thinking about it.
I want to encourage you to envision where you want to go, what you want to accomplish, and put your brain, the magnificent creation in all of nature, the human brain, to work for you with that reticular activator and expect positive things. You will be surprised that you will receive positive things. That is this episode of the show. See you next time.