Courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s overcoming fear. Courage is when you take action in spite of your fear. In today’s world, having courage is an essential skill. Join your host, Don Williams as he shares a short story about finding the courage to overcome your fears. Learn the true definition of courage today!
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Courage Is An Essential Skill
I want to talk about getting out of your comfort zone. I have about a bazillion Air Miles. That doesn’t seem like a real number but I think it is a bazillion Air Miles. I’m flying to visit a client and I’m sitting up front as I normally do. I’m on the aisle and the window seat is open. A gentleman walks up and says, “Excuse me, can I get in?” I said, “Yes, you can.” I stand up, step out into the aisle, and let him in.
I noticed a couple of things about this gentleman. Number one, he’s dressed impeccably, very classic dress-style and high end. Other than when he was speaking with me, I thought he was on a telephone call through his earbud. He’s speaking as he approaches me, stops his call long enough to ask if he can get in. I let him in and he immediately goes back to what I assume is his phone call.
He sits down. While speaking on his phone call, he reaches in between the seats and removes the plastic bag that holds the life preserver. I have a bazillion Air Miles and I have seen a lot of unique behaviors on airplane flights, but I have never seen this before. This impeccably well-appointed gentleman reaches between the seats, pulls out the plastic bag with a life preserver, unzips the bag, removes the life preserver, puts it over his head, and fastens the strap around his chest, all while he’s talking on his phone call.
I want to know, “Sir, do you know something I don’t know. Are we going swimming on this flight?” He’s talking on his call so I don’t interrupt. As we get ready to take off, the flight attendant does not come and tell him to get off the phone. He’s speaking all the way through takeoff and into the air. I finally realized he’s speaking to himself who maybe is the most intelligent person in the row, considering it’s him and me. He falls asleep and I don’t think anything else of it.
The true definition of courage is taking action despite being uncomfortable or scared. Click To Tweet
It was a stormy day but at 36,000 feet, we were above the storm. As we come down to land, we hit some rough air. It’s raining thunderstorms and that awakens my row-mate. He looks outside and sees the land approach, and kid you not, he bends over and assumes the brace position that you’re supposed to be in if you think you’re having a crash. We land. He sits back up and removes the life preserver, puts it back in the plastic bag, and puts the plastic bag back in between the seats. I’m pretty speechless at this point. I don’t ask him anything. I wish him a good day and we get off the plane.
I used to think that all behaviors that were different from mine were odd or peculiar, but I know now that different is just different. It’s not odd or peculiar necessarily, it’s just different and I’m okay with that. What hit home to me was this. This gentleman was obviously very uncomfortable flying but he did it anyway. He had some coping mechanisms that helped him successfully be on the airplane.
I thought that was a good parallel for my business life, family life and personal life, and yours too. When you’re uncomfortable, maybe even fearful or scared, yet you take action anyway, that’s the true definition of courage. I’ll see you next time. Please visit my website at Go to the Work With Me page and see how we might work together and help you get out of your comfort zone with real courage. Thanks.
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